2022 Annual General Meeting Results

The first ever hybrid Annual General Meeting for the Camanachd Association took place on Friday 25th November and was hosted by President Steven MacKenzie.

The strength of the hybrid system was that it allowed clubs from the far flung corners of Scotland to join without having to travel long journey’s in Winter conditions.

The Camanachd Association were delighted to welcome the appointment of John MacRitchie to the Board as well as the re-election of Roddy McCuish and Burton Morrison. Conversely, we were disappointed to be losing Willie “Can” MacDonald who has served his maximum consecutive term limit and has therefore stepped off the Board. We know that Willie’s involvement in shinty will continue through his work as Fort William’s DCI Officer and we look forward to continuing to work with him in that capacity.

The first special resolution for consideration on the night was to raise the age which the wearing of a fully compliant shinty helmet was compulsory from U17 to U21. We are pleased that this proposal passed and will be in effect from season 2023 with over 75% of clubs voting in favour. The Camanachd Association warmly welcome this change as we enhance the health and safety of our young members.

The proposal to have all players in shinty wear a helmet only, (with either no faceguard, a hurling faceguard or a shinty faceguard) fell by 2 votes and as such the 3rd proposal which was more stringent was pulled.  This was a disappointing result and leaves senior players who choose to sign the helmet opt out vulnerable to head injuries.

The next resolution was to offer the Board of Directors flexibility to choose any date in the final week in November to hold the AGM rather than on the last Friday of the month. This was passed.

Finally, a CRA proposal was agreed to by members stating that the Referee Match Fee be increased from £35/game to £40/game, the first increase since 2015 and one that the Camanachd Association welcomes as a small token of appreciation for everything that our officials do to help the game.

Full minutes of the AGM will be available in due course.