Following independent testing of Bauer helmets carried out by Loughborough University in 2022, the Camanachd Association Board approved the Bauer Helmet for use in shinty in 2023.

Following the AGM in 2023 it was pointed out that some of the gaps in the faceguard did not comply with the referenced helmet dimensions in our byelaw (which relate to the original Mycro faceguard dimensions). However, it should be emphasised that no gap in the Bauer faceguard allows the passage of a swung caman or a struck ball to pass through it.

As a result, the byelaw needs to be updated for four main reasons.

  1. To prevent any irregularities with insurance
  2. To ensure a modern alternative helmet is available to our members and clubs.
  3. To reduce the administration burden on clubs in respect to waiver submissions (if the Bauer helmet and faceguard are approved players wearing these would not need to sign a waiver)
  4. To have access to another helmet with faceguard and visor options that have been tested for use in shinty.

On Wednesday 31st January the Camanachd Association board voted to have a postal/online vote for members to support the use of the approved Bauer Helmet.

Due to the specific nature of the required amendment the Camanachd Association have taken legal advice that has indicated that in special circumstances such as these company law supports organisations preparing a written resolution and having it considered by members without holding an EGM.

As a result the board strongly encourage all clubs to support this proposal to increase the range of helmets available to members and to include Bauer IMS 5.0 as well as the Mycro Helmet for use.

The association will also hold an online meeting on Wednesday 15th February from 6pm for any club that wishes to attend to meet the board and discuss this proposed byelaw change.

We thank clubs for their engagement with this important development.