Camanachd Association to deliver exciting new Club Hub

The Camanachd Association recently secured funding to develop our website

The new website is currently under development and we have been working with our partners to ensure we are delivering an effective platform for our members. Part of this, is going to be a redevelopment to help our member clubs. We are developing a “Club Hub” (pictured below) which is going to be customizable by an appointed person within each club. This means that clubs will be able to have access to their own section of the CA Website to update with news, fixtures and any other information they see fit.

The first step on this development is for every club to complete the below Club Hub Template.

Club Hub Template.

This will allow us to build your section of the website effectively, following on from this, clubs will be given credentials to access their section of the website and can make updates to their page from there. Training will be provided on how to do this so as our member clubs have the full support of the CA in getting this started. It is the expectation that each club will manage their own section of the site and I’m sure that everyone can agree that it is a really exciting development for the website. Please return the template to by 30th April to ensure there is no delay on the website launch date. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. Finally, many thanks to the clubs who have already returned this form.