Comann Camanachd Inbhir Nis

Founded in 1887 as Inverness Town and County Shinty Club to distinguish from other clubs in Inverness such as Clachnacuddin, Inverness moved to the Bught Park in 1934. Inverness won the Camanachd Cup in 1952. The club has a somewhat uniqie position as it has to compete for players with the wide proliferation of football clubs in Inverness, in particular Inverness Caledonian Thistle but still manages to put out 3 teams.
Camanachd: 1
Macaulay: 1
MacTavish: 3
Strathdearn: 1
On 12 April 1952 at Old Anniesland (Glasgow) 10,000 spectators watched as Inverness and Oban Celtic played a riveting game. Oban were two goals in the lead but Inverness fought back and won the day with a final score of Inverness 3, Oban Celtic 2. This is the only time to date that Inverness has won the Camanachd Cup and upon their return to Inverness on Sunday the captain, William MacDonald and players received a great welcome.
1ST TEAM: Drew McNeil
2ND TEAM: Drew McNeil
WOMEN’S: Brian Mutch