On Thursday 28th October, Glengarry Shinty Club working with Kilchuimen Academy delivered the first School Shinty Session in our School of Shinty project, with the support of the Staff at Kilchuimen Academy, in particular, PE Teacher Rebecca Masson, Ronald Ross of the Camanachd Association and Club Coach Elaine, we ran sessions for children through P1 to S3.
We are grateful to the Academy for working with us and finding time in the timetable for the sessions to run, it’s fair to say that a lot of fun and enjoyment was had by all and the class teachers were really impressed by the levels of engagement and enthusiasm shown by the pupils. It is vital to the Clubs future that we engage with the School children and by delivering shinty in school, it becomes accessible to all, especially those who cannot attend after school activities. Our hope is, these sessions will continue for a few more weeks and in this time, our new School Shinty Ambassadors, Grace, Isla and Jack will be up and running and they hope to establish a Lunchtime Club to keep momentum up and encourage children to join in and enjoy Shinty.
We are exceptionally grateful to Mrs Masson, Ms Sutherland and Mrs Walker for their support, enthusiasm and their willingness to support the Club’s endeavours.
The easy part of this project was of course running the sessions, as always, the hard part was finding the funding for equipment and along the way, we thought that we would never get this project running, as costs and availability seemed to make this project almost unreachable at times, however, when we live in a community that has so many supportive people and they can see and understand what the Club is trying to do, we never should of had doubts that our drive and enthusiasm would be matched by some amazing people.
We give our heartfelt thanks to Cruise Loch Ness – Debi & Ronald, Glendoe Estate and The Gordon & Ena Baxter Foundation who did not hesitate in offering to support to the Club in driving this project forward and understood the importance of offering shinty in school, when there are very little other after school activities within the community and these aren’t always accessible for everyone – now every child in our community if afforded the same opportunity as each other.
With the support of these amazing Businesses and Organisations, we, handed over 20 Helmets, 20 Camans, 36 Balls and a set of portable goals to the school and left with Janny Bill making grand plans for the Kilchuimen Academy Shinty Shed
We have so much gratitude for everyone who has supported this project, a lot of this is not Just about Shinty, but the importance of a community being able to provide opportunities for our children is vital in small rural community.