Level 1 Coaching Course success for Glengarry Shinty Club

On Sunday, the Camanachd Association ran the theory part of the Level 1 Coaching Course for Glengarry Shinty Club.
The practical element of the course will take place when restrictions are lifted. The coaches that attended the course were; Elaine Cameron, Shaun Nicolson, Karen Williamson, Laura MacKay, Suzi Robson, Shaina Archibald and Katie Walker.
The course is a 21 hour qualification and is designed to provide coaches with the skills and knowledge to deliver shinty at youth level and to support coaches within a senior team.
Our congratulations go to Glengarry for starting the process of upskilling their coaches, enabling them to deliver high quality coaching as we look forward to returning to shinty in the near future.
“We had originally planned to undertake our level 1 course before the first lockdown, so it was great to finally get the classroom based side of the course done, the course was delivered great via Microsoft Teams and allowed for some great student engagement and discussion, we look forward to the practical element, once restrictions are lifted, and then implementing our new skills for the betterment of our Club. We would encourage all Clubs to use this “down time” opportunity to take advantage of the online courses and seminars provided by the Camanachd Association and Sportscotland”
– Elaine Cameron, Glengarry Shinty Club
Any coaches who want to further their qualifications or people who are interested in taking the first step into coaching should get in contact with your Regional Development Officer. Details below:
- National Development Manager E: graham.cormack@shinty.com T: 07894588538
- Regional Development Manager (East) E: ronald.ross@shinty.com T: 07718630563
- Regional Development Officer (North) E: katie.drain@shinty.com T: 07834522260
- Regional Development Officer (Central) E: paul.macarthur@shinty.com T: 07921210179
- Operations Manager/Regional Development Officer (West) : E: astie.cameron@shinty.com T: 07912731295