Arran Junior Shinty Club hosted an indoor tournament with over 35 pupils involved on the day. The event took place in Auchrannie which provided an excellent venue for indoor competitions. 5 teams competed on the day with the Kingussie team (the teams were names after established shinty teams) coming out on top.

This event follows on from an initial competition that was held last year which had 55 kids involved from numerous primary schools on the island.

This is the result of hard work from Gillian Frame and Bobby Crowe amongst others who have helped set up regular training sessions on a Monday evening for the kids which regularly has excellent attendance. As well as going around the local primary schools exposing them to blocks of shinty to try attracting new members to the club.

On top of this local primary teachers and volunteers completed a CPD course to go over the basic shinty skills so they can go on and coach in their local primary schools.

Arran Junior Shinty Club hope to continue to develop and enter competitions on the mainland and continue their growth. The work in Arran has been incredible with the kids eager to continue playing and develop. A massive congratulations has to be given to all those involved in the huge efforts being made to bring shinty to Arran!