Shinty Clubs Rally for Safety: Defibrillators and Emergency Training Make a Vital Impact
In a recent match between Caberfeidh and Kinlochshiel, a poignant moment unfolded that underscored the crucial role of emergency preparedness in sports. Referee Steven MacLachlan fell ill during the game, prompting swift action from Kinlochshiel player Conor Cormack and his teammates. Cormack’s quick thinking and the availability of a defibrillator at Castle Leod proved pivotal in restarting Stevie’s heart, highlighting the importance of having life-saving equipment readily accessible during sporting events.
Heartstart Camanachd, in collaboration with Lucky2Bhere, has been spearheading efforts to equip shinty clubs across Scotland with defibrillators and provide comprehensive emergency life-saving training. The initiative aims to ensure that every shinty club in the country is equipped to handle medical emergencies effectively.
Numerous shinty clubs have already embraced this initiative, including:
Aberdeen University – Beauly – Fort William (2) – Glenurquhart – Kingussie – Newtonmore – Lochaber – Lovat – Skye (2) – Strathglass – Kincraig – Kinlochshiel – Dunadd – Bute – Taynuilt – Carrbridge/Strathspey – Kilmory – Caberfeidh – Glasgow Mid Argyll
The presence of defibrillators at these clubs serves as a testament to their commitment to the safety and well-being of their members and the wider community.
However, the work is far from over. Heartstart Camanachd urges remaining clubs to consider the significant benefits of having a defibrillator on-site and personnel trained in its use. The potential to save lives in critical moments cannot be overstated, and the investment in safety equipment is invaluable.
Furthermore, clubs that have already undergone training and acquired defibrillators are reminded of the importance of regular maintenance and updates. Designating a responsible individual for medical matters and conducting routine checks on equipment are essential steps in ensuring readiness for any emergency situation.
The collaborative efforts of Heartstart Camanachd, Lucky2Bhere, and the shinty community are making significant strides towards creating safer environments for all involved. By equipping clubs with essential safety equipment and empowering individuals with life-saving skills, we can ensure that every match is not only a showcase of sporting talent but also a testament to preparedness and care for one another.
Furthermore, we are aware of some clubs that are going one step further and have acquired a mobile unit to take with them on away trips, this is commendable and recommended until we are confident in 100% coverage across our communities.
Finally, the Association would like to offer its warmest wishes to Stevie, Alison, Marc, Megan and Iain throughout the recovery period and beyond.
Contact Lucky2BeHere to get a defibrillator for your club:
Contact St John’s Ambulance Service to get a defibrillator for your club: