The presentation of a Presidents Caman is a long standing tradition that dates back to at least 1925 where Provost D.M Skinner of Oban became President until 1931 and was the recipient of a silver mounted caman on standing down as president.
Further investigation is required to find out if his predecessors in the role (Lord Lovat, John Macdonald or Colonol A.W. Macdonald) received similar accolade for such a crucial role in Shinty. What can be said is that the delivery of our most recent silver mounted caman was an important aspect of our commitment to recognise those that play such a crucial role in the protection and development of our game.
Recieving the Silver Mounted Caman is one thing but what about the making of such an iconic recognition. John MacPherson and his family launched the Sporting Stores, Inverness in 1887 and were the inaugural makers of the silver mounted caman which was a prize for the winning captain at the Camanachd Cup final. The tradition was introduced at a later date for Presidents of the Camanachd Association. A tribute of appreciation for the time served by Presidents as they voluntarily navigate the challenges of leading a Governing Body for Sport.

Born and raised in Newtonmore, John moved to Inverness at 18 to take over his uncle’s shop. John was a keen shinty player as a young man, turning out for Inverness in 1910. In the early 20th century he realised there was a regular need for a camans and the shop became the first commercial manufacturer of camans and balls.
In 1900 the shop moved to 24 Church Street and went on to produce hickory camans at a time when the most camans were home made from Ash, rowan or birch wood. In addition to providing commercially made camans John went on to provide the first silver mounted camans. For more on John MacPherson please click here
On Friday 25th June it was with great pleasure that current President, Steven Mackenzie presented former President Keith Loades with his long awaited recognition for time spent leading the Camanachd Association from November 2017-2020. Due to restrictions of COVID-19 this was the first time since the Silver Mounted Caman was made that a get together was possible.
Captaining the ship through COVID
During his time in post Keith oversaw many achievements not least the navigation of the Association during the onset of COVID-19 in 2020 putting a stop to all activity nationally. Through his leadership the Association were able to navigate the most challenging of situations facing our sport in many years. Of course, Keith’s first two years were full of participation at all levels and he was instrumental in ensuring the Camanachd Association would enter 2021 in the best shape possible given the unforeseen circumstances at the beginning of season 2020.

Camanachd Association President, Steven MacKenzie:
“Keith helped the association navigate one of the most significant challenges we have faced in Shinty’s modern era and helped with the board and staff to prepare a platform that shinty could return. The work that Keith has done has helped secure the immediate future of the Association and the continued capacity of the Camanachd Association to support clubs and communities through these challenging times. I want to convey my deep appreciation to Keith on behalf of the whole board for all that he did for Shinty as President and continues to do with club and committees.”