Strathspey Camanachd Club has become the second Shinty Club to receive funding support from Sportscotland Direct Club Investment programme to employ a part-time Club Development Officer.

The club will be advertising the exciting position shortly of a part-time Club Development Officer for 15 hours per week (over a four year plan) to grow participation in the sport, in collaboration with local schools and the community. The aim is to put in place a coaching infrastructure, develop sustainable partnerships and help to progress the aims of the club’s development plan. The Club aims to create new player pathways with an inclusive approach for girls and boys, including those with learning and physical disabilities, those in SIMD areas and in rural poverty. In the past year shinty was offered to only one primary school in the area and the club has aspirations to ensure that all children and families have access to shinty both in school and at the club. The Development Officer will support schools in sourcing funding, mentoring and developing current/new coaches. All new coaches/volunteers will undertake regular training courses to enhance the role they play in supporting the club.

Strathspey Shinty Club was formed in 2011, received its Foundation club accreditation in 2017 and its Bronze club accreditation in 2018 and is currently working towards its Silver level. The club has recently revamped its management structure and committee all with defined roles and responsibilities. The club’s committee and volunteer profile are gender and age balanced. The Club wants to continue to drive up standards and our aim is to raise the profile of the club to ensure that people in the area feel involved.

Ronald Ross – Regional Development Manager said: “DCI is targeted at supporting clubs who have a clear vision of how they can make a positive impact on their local communities by delivering more and better opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity. Strathspey demonstrated their commitment to providing access to sport for people of all ages and abilities and I look forward to seeing the impact that this initiative will have not only in the Strathspey area but also wider afield in the North East.”

Club President Charles Young said: “It is a real pleasure to make this announcement during what has been a very difficult period for our historic sport.  I would like to record my own and the committee’s grateful thanks for all the expertise, help and encouragement given to our club by Ronald Ross, Camanachd Association Regional Development Officer and Garry Reid, Sportscotland Lead Manager”.