Annual General Meeting Results
The first ever online Annual General Meeting for the Camanachd Association took place last night on Friday 27th November and was hosted by President Keith Loades in his final act before standing down and receiving the Presidents Silver Mounted Caman from newly elected President Steven MacKenzie. In a fitting tribute to the role Keith Loades presented a new Presidents Medal to be passed from one President to the next beginning with Steven MacKenzie. Incoming President Steven MacKenzie paid tribute to the past three years as did Vice Chief Richard Gall who thanked Keith for his leadership.
On the night a new record was also achieved with 64 attendees and a voting strength of 42 clubs and associations in attendance highlighting the strength of the online system and importantly the desire of all clubs to get back to shinty in season 2021.
In addition to President Steven MacKenzie being voted into post the Camanachd Association were delighted to formally welcome the appointment of Kirsty Deans and John Finlayson as Directors of the Board.
The first special resolution for consideration on the night was the important evolution in our byelaws in recognition and compliance with Equality Standards which was the replacement of
- he with he/she
- him with him/her
- his with his/her
- himself with himself/herself
The second special resolution that was passed will have a positive and significant impact on our game. More than 75% of our clubs voted for the introduction of a mandatory wearing of helmet and face-guard which is compliant with specifications. Exceptions to this new rule include
- First Shinty competitions when different camans and balls are in use.
- When an individual opts not to wear an approved helmet and/or face-guard and has signed a Liability Waiver prior to the start of the shinty playing season. (For the avoidance of doubt:- any player who seeks a waiver will still be permitted to use any protective head gear to which they are accustomed provided that it has a chin strap and is free from sharp edges and /or projections. This will include helmets without visors and helmets with wide gap face guards.)
- Players who have graduated through from the youth game are expected to continue to wear a Helmet/Faceguard.
- It shall be a specific disciplinary offence for a player to represent directly or indirectly that they have signed and registered a Liability Waiver if they have not in fact done so.
- 1.4.4 b) An approved Helmet and Faceguard will become mandatory for all players in shinty on 1st January 2030.
The Camanachd Association warmly welcomed the introduction of this rule for enhanced health and safety for all players. We were particularly encouraged by the number of clubs who voted for this important and historic change with 37 from 42 clubs voting for this amendment. The rule now is to wear a helmet. The opt out waiver that is available was an important element raised by some member clubs to mitigate loss of players to the game and was required to get the rule established after 4 recent attempts failed to acquire the appropriate number of votes.
The two final ordinary resolutions that were passed by majority vote included
3.8.2 In all cup competitions a winner shall be decided in the first game. No replays will take place. When a match results in a draw at full time, extra time will be played and a penalty play-off will take place if necessary.
3.2.1 Postponement of a Scheduled Match – where one of the competing teams requests a postponement due to the death of an active player or coach, either because they have died in the days just prior to a match, or if their funeral service will take place on the day of a match. For the avoidance of doubt an ‘active player or coach’ refers to a player or coach actively involved with the club during the current season.
It was suggested that any postponement due to the death of any person out with active players or coaches would be recognised if desired by a minutes silence or similar.
The Camanachd Association’s proposed increase to the fees for 2021 was approved, full details of this will be available when the minutes are published.
Full minutes of the AGM will be available in due course.
All clubs are reminded that registrations for season 2021 are due by 16th December and that player must be registered with the Camanachd Association before your first training session. 2020 insurance ends at the end of December.
The Camanachd Association in line with government guidance are looking forward to a full season as normal in 2021 however it should be noted that modified regional options have also been considered and prepared should they be required. Following club registrations in December the structure of season 2021 will be considered by the Competitions Committee and then confirmed by the Camanachd Association Board on the 27th January 2021.