Bobby MacLeod 1931 – 2021

The Funeral of Fort William Shinty Club Chieftain will take place on Thursday 2nd Sep at 12 noon at Fort William Kilmallie – Duncansburgh Church followed by interment at Kilmallie Cemetery thereafter. Following the service, the funeral cortege will make its way to An Aird Park, home of Fort William Shinty Club.

The hearse will enter the ground by the main gate and make its way across the field to the far side where it will turn and continue towards the Centre Circle. It will then pause for a short while to give people a little more time to reflect on Bobby’s passion for shinty, a game he held close to his heart.

Many Shinty Supporters throughout Scotland will recall Bobby as part of John Henderson’s support team when himself & Duffy Flannigan were the trusted Goal Judges with John the man in the middle.