Camanachd Callainn Challenge to test shinty memories

(Image taken before the COVID-19 pandemic)

In the absence of regular shinty events at New Year, shinty players and followers are being offered a unique online opportunity to test their knowledge of shinty’s archives and the game’s history, as well as make a contribution to a good cause.

The Camanachd Callainn Challenge will be hosted on Zoom by shinty historian and broadcaster Hugh Dan Maclennan, who is Secretary of Shinty Memories Scotland on Tuesday evening, December 29, starting at 1900.

Tickets are being sold through online ticketing facility Eventbrite and cost £5 per entry. These must be made on an individual basis rather than as groups, as email links will be supplied on the day of the event to those who have bought tickets.

Hugh Dan said: “We are very aware of the fact that shinty activity will be curtailed this New year and that we won’t get to celebrate the Old or New New Year in the way we have become used to.  This event gives us all a chance to set the TV zapper aside for an hour and a half an maybe have a laugh or two at the end of what has been a trying year. It’s very much an experiment but there is a real purpose as well. It is very important that the work being done by the various Memories Groups is supported and they need a measure of financial support to enable them to produce resources and pay for facilities.  We have had to re-adjust our activities this year due to Covid-19 and made a switch to virtual and online activity to enabled us to keep in touch with people who were and still are, isolated for whatever reason.   Hopefully, once the vaccination programme and other circumstances ease our difficulties we will re-launch our core activities and hopefully we will get some real shinty action as well.”

Shinty Memories Scotland is always looking for help so that we can deliver vital support services within our communities and is keen to engage with areas where shinty is central to the community and would benefit from the work we can do.

If you think you can help, by making a financial donation, by donating materials which can be used such as match programmes and old Yearbooks,  or would like to discuss the formation or development of a group in your area, please contact us through and/or follow us on Facebook

Tickets for the Camanachd Challenge can be purchased at

In the case of any difficulty or for further information, please contact Hugh Dan Maclennan at or 07515287040