Dear Secretary
It gives me great pleasure in attaching the Camanachd Association Annual Report for 2022. You will find links to the key information for the 2022 Annual General Meeting where all members will have the opportunity to be part of history in helping our sport take the additional steps in making helmets and faceguards mandatory.
Our role as a governing body and indeed for a club committee is to protect the interests of your members and this extends to their health and wellbeing. A helmet and a compliant faceguard are significant factors to mitigate risk in our sport. This point was made crystal clear in our session with sportscotland’s Doctor leading on concussion in last month’s club consultation.
Whilst we acknowledge the challenges for the small number of participants who have never used a helmet we have introduced a clear visor to accommodate this. We believe that mitigating risk and protecting the safety of participants should be front of our mind when deciding on the rules that will govern our game in 2023 and I trust that you will consider this and the future of our sport where families with young children will be encouraged to take up the sport with enhanced mitigations in place.
Please confirm your club or associations representative and the way that you plan to attend this years AGM using the following link.
Confirm your attendance at this years AGM
2022 AGM Proxy Form (For those that cant attend in person or online please submit your proxy form to advise on your vote)
Special and Ordinary Resolutions
Regional Development Report 2022
Shared with clubs 10 weeks prior to AGM
Dear Secretary,
Annual General Meeting 2022: Call for Proposed Amendments & Nominations
The Annual General Meeting of the Camanachd Association will take place on Friday 25th November 2022 from 7.30pm. The meeting is provisionally planned to take place online using Microsoft Teams however we are exploring a hybrid option.
Voting Members are now invited to submit proposed amendments to the Memorandum, the Articles of Association, the Rules of Play and any Director nominations (or any other proposals) for consideration at the 2022 AGM. A meeting to discuss any proposals will be held on Wednesday 21st September. If you require any support with this process please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The formal proposals should be received by the Camanachd Association in writing by 5pm on Thursday 29th September 2022 and presented in a form that can be put forward to the AGM and on which a vote can be taken.
Following the above guidance at least six weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting (13th October), notice shall be given to voting members of any proposals we have received with an invitation to submit any relevant counter-proposals (see below) or amendments.
These counter proposals or amendments should be received by the Camanachd Association in writing by 5pm on Thursday 27th October and presented in a form that can be put forward to the AGM and on which a vote can be taken. The full agenda and final AGM papers will be sent to all voting Members not less than fourteen clear days before the meeting, i.e. by 10th November 2022.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Camanachd Association if there is anything you wish to clarify or discuss further, particularly if you would like assistance in the preparation of a proposed amendment or counter proposal. All members are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting.
Timeline for members | Submission deadline |
Club consultation, helmet rules and alcohol and drugs support service | 21st September |
Submit proposals and nominations | 29th September |
Proposals will be shared with clubs | 13th October |
Relevant counter proposals or amendments invited to be submitted | 27th October |
Final papers will be shared with member clubs and associations | 10th November |
AGM | Friday 25th November 7:30pm |
300822 Notice of AGM – Shared with members 10+ weeks before the AGM