Every Shinty club registers for season 2021

The Camanachd Association can today confirm that every shinty club registered in season 2019 have now confirmed their intent to take part in season 2021 when it commences after lockdown.
Steven MacKenzie, Camanachd Association President said:
“Our Vision at the Camanachd Association is to protect the game of shinty which can only be achieved in partnership with our clubs. For this reason I was delighted to hear the news that all of our member clubs are registered to play shinty this season and help us shift back to some sense of normality. We at the Camanachd Association are raring to go and can’t help but be excited at the prospect of returning to competitive action when it is safe to do so”
Clearly the current restrictions will delay the start to the shinty campaign however when it is safe to commence clubs will be provided a pre-season period to prepare players before a local/ regionalised league campaign. The finer details of the proposed restart of shinty plan will be discussed by the Competitions Committee and then presented to the Camanachd Association Board for approval at the end of January.
Derek Keir, Camanachd Association CEO said:
“Shinty has been a vibrant and integral part of Scottish life for hundreds of years and it is hugely positive that all of our clubs are signed up for the 2021 season. This highlights the enthusiasm from communities to get back to the sport they love. Whilst this intent is just the first step in a return to our sport credit for this achievement undoubtedly lies with the tireless volunteers within our clubs. The work that they have already done to ensure that their clubs are COVID-19 compliant has been a shining example of the leadership that makes community sport possible.”
You can listen to Derek speak to BBC Radio Scotland below.
For further information on your clubs COVID readiness please contact your regional development officer.