The Camanachd Association 2022 Annual General Meeting is the greatest indication to date where member clubs demonstrated their desire to move the sport toward mandatory wearing of helmets (with no opt out). In order to strengthen that position and get the rule progressed by 75% of our members we are asking clubs to reaffirm their commitment at this time by adding their name to this years proposal. Club Presidents have been asked to complete a Google Form on behalf of their club, the results of which will be included alongside the Special & Ordinary Resolutions being proposed for helmets as set out in the feedback questionnaire.
Last year, the vote at the AGM was just two members short of achieving the 75% threshold to have helmets approved. A consultation in August 2022 saw 39 out of 49 clubs (or club representatives) in favour of the compulsory wearing of helmets being brought forward from 2030. An additional 3 clubs wanted more time to consult members whilst another three said yes in principle subject to some other conditions.
This is a vote for increased health and safety of the people in your club. It is not a personal preference. It is about mitigating risk. The Camanachd Association have now approved a wider range of helmet providers (see above Bauer IMS 5.0) in the hope that clubs will vote to enhance the safety of all players at the 2023 AGM.
The Association, and wider shinty community, are regularly reminded of the importance of wearing a helmet. Most recently demonstrated at the Glasgow Celtic Society Cup Final when an accidental swing led to a very serious head injury:
Rule on Helmets | Detail |
2013 Helmet rule for U17s implemented | Helmets made mandatory for U17s |
2018 Detail Update |
Additional detail on faceguard grid sizes added to byelaw 4.2.
2019 Helmet proposal (Rejected at AGM) |
In 2019 The Camanachd Association proposed making helmets compulsory with an opt out to 2025
2019 Helmet proposal (Rejected at AGM) |
In 2019 Glenurquhart Shinty Club also proposed helmets be made compulsory with an opt out available until 2030.
2020 Helmet proposal (Rejected at AGM) |
In 2020 GMA proposed helmets were made compulsory with an opt out available until 2025.
2020 Helmet proposal (Approved at AGM)
In 2020 Glenurquhart proposed helmets were made compulsory with an opt out available until 2030. |
2022 Helmet proposal (Approved at AGM) | In 2022, the Camanachd Association proposed that helmets were made compulsory for all U21s. |
2022 Helmet proposal (Rejected at AGM) | In 2022, the Camanachd Association proposed that helmets were made compulsory for all. (Fell by 2 votes). |
Helmets with Face Guard became compulsory with immediate effect for adults after the 2020 AGM. Players must wear an approved helmet or have signed an “Opt Out Waiver” which is to be uploaded by clubs to the Camanachd Association Membership platform. A new waiver must be signed annually, the waiver option in line with our current byelaws will cease to exist in our rules on from 1st Jan 2030.
The Camanachd Association are a member led organisation and any changes to byelaw one rules (which include the mandatory wearing of helmets for adults unless a participant has signed the opt out waiver) can be proposed by members and must be passed by 75% of our voting members. All youths must wear a compliant helmet and faceguard and have been required to since 2013.
In 2022, the Bauer IMS 5.0 Helmet was tested with faceguard and face visor alongside the current Mycro Helmet and faceguard. The three helmet models (1x Mycro, 2x Bauer) were subjected to three tests intended to assess suitability for use in Shinty; free-fall impact, projectile impact and stick penetration. Resultant headform acceleration was measured by an accelerometer positioned at the centre of mass and helmets were visually inspected. All helmets were found to be effective in reducing resultant linear acceleration of the headform compared to the baseline, with some producing a greater reduction than others. Visual inspection suggested that all helmets were effective in preventing unwanted contact with the face or head during impacts.
Camanachd Association National Development Manager Ronald Ross said “The new range offers traditional feel and a modern look players will love with the protection the game demands. The IMS 5.0 helmet offers the two-piece shell construction with tool-less adjustment, plus increased airflow through the multiple vents but vitally provides an increased range of helmets for players to choose from thereby enhancing player safety, mitigating some risk and helping the development of our sport”