Beauly Shinty Club earn Silver ClubMark Award

Beauly’s Andrew Morrison challenges for the ball
The Camanachd Association is delighted to congratulate Beauly Shinty Club on achieving their Silver ClubMark Award.
The club, who have been in sporting action twice since shinty was allowed to restart on 26th September, spent much of lockdown working at attaining the next level on the ClubMark scheme and getting their documentation and processes up-to-date.
One of the major developments was the production of a new 5 year plan which should see the club progress even further over the next few years. Speaking to the Camanachd Association, Aarron Duncan-MacLeod said:
“We are delighted to have achieved the Silver level of ClubMark, it is testament to the hard work of my fellow committee members who took the initiative not to simply switch off during the pandemic but instead to try and have the club in a better place as we look forward to a full return to sporting action in 2021.
Thanks, of course, must also go to both Rory MacKeachan and Katie Drain (Regional Development Officer North) for their support both before and during lockdown which enabled us to get to a position whereby we can be progressing through our club accreditation.
Naturally, as an ambitious club, we already have an eye on the gold award and are excited about making further improvements to the club in order to obtain that achievement in the coming years.”
Once again, the Camanachd Association would like to offer its warm acknowledgment of the work that Beauly have done to achieve this award. If you are looking for support in developing your club then please get in contact with your Regional Development Officer in the first instance.
RDO North: Katie Drain,
RDO Central : Paul MacArthur,
RDO East: Ronald Ross,
RDO West: Astie Cameron,