Skye Camanachd appoint 3 chaplains

Skye Camanachd have followed in the footsteps of Kyles Athletic, who were the CA’s pilot club, in joining the chaplaincy project.
Skye said the following on their Facebook page:
“After yesterday’s Scottish Governments announcement on the tightening of restrictions it’s seems like a good time to introduce our supporters to a new initiative that Skye Camanachd is embarking on, our Chaplaincy programme.
After a tumultuous 2020 that has rolled in the start of 2021, it’s important to look after our mental health as well as our physical health. The latest addition of 3 shinty chaplains to the club will provide all our players with a safe source of support and the opportunity to talk about anything that’s worrying them. Our chaplains are able to offer a safe talking space as well as practical, emotional, mental or spiritual support to everyone connected with the Club in a fair, positive and respectful manner.
Stay safe and look after yourselves.”
Profiles of the 3 new chaplains can be found below. The Camanachd Association welcomes this development and congratulates Skye on making the move. Over the next month the Camanachd Association are raising money for SAMH another charity vital in the fight against mental health issues. You can find out how to get involved by following this link: Support SAMH & the Camanachd Association.