“Big Rob” Ritchie recognised not only by the Queen, but the WCA too….

“Big Rob” Ritchie with the SIlver Salver presented to him by the WCA (Credit: Aidan Woods Photography)
This week Newtonmore Cheiftain, Rob Ritchie BEM was handed yet another honour, this time from the WCA.
A Newtonmore spokesperson said:
“The village of Newtonmnore, and Newtonmore Camanachd Club in particular, were in joyful mood when our Chieftain “Big Rob” Ritchie was awarded the BEM in the delayed Queens Birthday Honours last autumn. His nomination was submitted for a lifetime of support throughout our local community, the sport of shinty and highland games heavy events.”
Now Rob has received another award, this time from the Womens Camanachd Assocation congratulating him on his BEM. WCA President Lisa McColl said that their presentation of a beautiful engraved silver salver was in appreciation of the support he has given to their organisation since the very beginning.
The Newtonmore committee member continued: “Rob always welcomes them to the Eilan ensuring that the pitch and facilities are in good condition for their games, work he invariably does single-handed. Lisa, her Vice President Karen Cameron, and other committee members were unanimous in wanting to show their appreciation and this lovely gesture is greatly welcomed by Big Rob and a host of people throughout our community. Long may our support continue.”
The Camanachd Association would like to once again our warm congratulations to Rob Ritchie and to join the WCA in thanking him for all he has done for our great sport.