Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Final Notice and Papers 2023
I am writing to advise that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Camanachd Association will take place on Friday 24th November 2023 from 7.30pm. The meeting will take place at the Highland Cinema in Fort William and we also aim to provide online access to the meeting using Microsoft Teams. Please confirm with if your club would like to attend online.
Voting Members have now submitted final amendments and prepared below is a note of the proposed changes to the Camanachd Association Articles of Association, the rules of play and this years Director nominations for consideration at the 2023 AGM.
2023 AGM Proposed Amendments (Online Link to proposed amendments)
2023 AGM Proposed Amendments (PDF link to proposed amendments as above)
2023 AGM Proxy Form (for clubs and associations who cant attend on the night)
Annual Report 2023 (PDF of annual report as presented below)
Please do not hesitate to contact the association if there is anything you wish to clarify or discuss further, particularly if you would like to discuss proposals for helmets and faceguards. All members are welcome to attend the Annual General Meeting however only voting representatives will have the opportunity to contribute to the AGM on behalf of their club or association.