AGM – Formal notice and agenda
Company No. SC284954
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of The Camanachd Association (“the Company”) will be held on Friday 27th November 2020 at 7.30pm on Microsoft Teams, to consider the following business when the following Resolutions will be proposed as Resolutions of the Company. Please confirm your clubs representative and attendance with who will share a link for the AGM in advance.
The following resolutions will be proposed as Special Resolutions:
1. The replacement of: he with he/she, him with him/her, his with his/her and himself with himself/herself.
2. To approve the Amended Special Resolution in relation to Byelaw 1.4.4 Players Equipment – Helmets from Glasgow Mid Argyll Shinty Club (GMA).
3. To approve the Special Resolution in relation to Byelaw 1.4.4 Players Equipment – Helmets from Glenurquhart Shinty Club (GSC).
The following resolutions will be proposed as Ordinary Resolutions:
4. To approve the Proposed Member Subscriptions and Fees
5. To approve the Amended Ordinary Resolution from the (GMA) in relation to “Free Saturdays”.
6. To approve the Proposed Ordinary Resolution from Kingussie Camanachd Club (KCC) in relation to “Free Saturdays”.
7. To approve the Proposed Ordinary Resolution from Kingussie Camanachd Club (KCC) in relation to Byelaw 3.8.2 – Replays in the Camanachd Cup.
8. To approve the Proposed Ordinary Resolution from (KCC) in relation to Byelaw 3.2.1 – Postponement of a Scheduled Match due to Bereavement.
9. To elect President Elect, Steven MacKenzie as President of The Camanachd Association.
10. To elect John Finlayson as a Company Director.
11. To elect Kirsty Deans as a Company Director.
1 A member entitled to attend and vote at the above Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his or her behalf. A proxy need not be a member of the Company.
2. Where a Counter Proposal or an Amendment to a Proposal has been received it will be taken 1st for the vote, if it is passed then the Original Proposal falls. If the Counter Proposal or the Amendment falls then the Original Proposal is taken. If all proposals fail then the status quo is maintained.
Each proposal is considered separately until a motion is passed so it is important that members recognise the process of the vote and that Counter Proposals, Amendments to a proposal and then the original proposal is the order in which an amendment will be considered until one is voted and passed. Members can support both the Counter Proposal and/or Amended Proposal as well as the original proposal if they wish for the the proposal in principle to be passed. If you wish to discuss for greater clarity please contact Astie Cameron or Derek Keir.
Proposed Changes To Byelaws 2020
– Sample Shinty Helmet Waiver Document
Director Nomination
President Elect
Annual Subscriptions Fees And Levies
The Annual General Meeting is an open meeting but please be aware that only voting members of the Camanachd Association (Clubs and Associations that have paid their 2019 annual fee) will be entitled to speak at the meeting. One individual will require to be designated as the representative of each Club or Association, able to speak or vote at the meeting on behalf of their Club or Association (Please confirm your representative with This individual must be a member of the CA and have a valid membership number. Other members are welcome to attend but will not have an individual vote or be in a position to speak at the meeting other than through their designated Club/ Association representative.
A roll call will be taken at the start of the meeting to indicate attendances and absences. Please note that representatives of Clubs and Associations should not use the opportunity to vote or speak for personal gain but must clearly represent the views of the members of their organisation. Suggestions for recipients of the honours in Agenda Item 14 should be proposed by voting members to by e-mail by midday on Wednesday 25th November. Also attached are the 2019 Camanachd Association Annual Accounts.
If a Club or Association is unable to be represented in person then the option exists to appoint a Proxy. Details regarding the appointment of a Proxy are attached; completed Proxy Forms must be returned by email to at least 48 hours ahead of the meeting. Apologies for the AGM should be communicated by e-mail to me before midday on Thursday 26th November.
If you have any questions on the above/attached then please do not hesitate to contact your local Regional Development Officer for further guidance. (West & A&B) (East – Aberdeen – Badenoch – Fort William) (North) (Central)