We are delighted to report that Inverness Royal Academy have received a full delivery of indoor and outdoor shinty equipment to allow equality of access to the sport for all pupils and delivery for some core PE classes.

Through months of working closely with the school the CA have been heavily involved in writing the funding application and have also delivered teacher training (shinty CPD) to all eight PE staff in the school in preparation for their shinty equipment to become available.

Through work done in the local primary schools by Inverness Shinty Club, more and more pupils are reaching high school age and have a keen interest in continuing with the sport. The IRA have, to this end been incredibly supportive of shinty and have entered S1/2 age group teams in various events in 2022 already.

With shinty being delivered in core PE, a shinty after school club (facilitated by Inverness SC coaches), teachers trained up in delivering shinty and the school having two shinty ambassadors the future really does look bright for shinty in the IRA.