Learn Gaelic for Shinty on Zoom with Camanachd na h-Alba in 2025

Learn Gaelic for shinty-related purposes this coming New Year with Iomain Cholmcille.

As part of the Camanachd na h-Alba project which is supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Taic Freumhan Coimhearsnachd fund, experienced Gaelic tutor Al Hunter will lead on-line classes via Zoom over 10 weeks, starting on Wednesday 8th January from 7-8pm.

These classes are aimed at adults with little to no Gaelic (A0/A1 on the CEFR scale). They will focus on social language, and will allow learners to talk about the basics of the game and use some Gaelic within coaching sessions.

The cost of the whole block of lessons is £40 (including a non-refundable deposit of £20), but all Camanachd Association members get a 25% discount for a bargain price of just £30.

On completion of the form you will be contacted with information on payment. On successful completion of payment you will be provided access to the lessons and the googledrive with resources.

Places are limited so sign up via https://forms.gle/htTcoVsxH7FqwWyJ7 or contact camanachdalba@gmail.com for more information.