Following the First Ministers statement on Tuesday 13th July the Camanachd Association have now updated our guidance that we have been working with Scottish Government on to clarify specific details in relation to all remaining local authorities moving to Level 0 on July 19.
The updated guidance to all clubs will take effect from 19th July and can be found on the link below. In the mean time the key changes articulated in Nicola Sturgeons update are as follows:
- Indoor contact sport and physical activity is permitted.
- Outdoor physical distancing requirement will be removed.
- Spectating in organised outdoor venues with enclosed environments will continue to need to comply with the Scottish Government events guidance.
- Formal spectating in public parks where an entry fee is charged is also required to follow Scottish Government event sector guidance. Camanachd Association Development staff have already support a number of clubs through this process.
- Informal spectating in public parks is permitted but clubs are required to have mitigations in place. Please refer to Shinty Guidance below
- Outdoors, a limit on the size of outdoor group gatherings will be kept at 15.
- For the next three weeks at least, there will be a requirement for 1m distancing between different groups of 15.
- Clubs should continue to focus on providing shinty involving as few participants as possible, for the minimum amount of time, whilst still allowing the activity to run effectively. This may also require a change to game formats, numbers and/or rules to minimise risk to participants
- Clubs and organisers should undertake comprehensive risk assessments to minimise the risk of movement or contact between and within bubbles including before, during or after an activity. Once an individual has completed their activity, they should immediately vacate the ‘field of play’ and are then subject to household rules
- You should avoid car sharing with anyone from another household unless you deem it to be necessary. If individuals or groups do car share then they should follow Transport Scotland: advice on how to travel safely and put in place appropriate risk assessment and mitigations.
In a shinty environment clubs do need to ensure compliance with Scottish Government guidance and ensure mitigation is in place where appropriate. Our current guidance is detailed below. The key principles contained within the guidance should continue to be followed.
Return to Shinty Guidance – Effective from 190721
The First Minister also gave an indicative date of August 9 to move beyond Level 0 advising that she hopes that it will still be possible for most legal restrictions to end on 9th August in Scotland. From that date it was also suggested that blanket self isolation requirements will no longer apply to those who have been double vaccinated and whose tests come back negative.
The move beyond level 0 is linked to Gateway Conditions being met and suggested baseline measures that will be in place. If you have any questions then please get in touch.