Only 4 weeks until the first whistle blows in the MOWI League Season…

Les Kinvig - Argyll and Bute

It has been a busy time for Les building and strengthening working relationships with the active school’s network in his region. The main aim in this area of work is to give primary and secondary school kids an opportunity to participate in shinty regardless of ability or experience. Should anyone wish to volunteer or get involved in kids shinty please get in touch –

Schools Network

On the back of working within the schools network Les has also been visiting and checking in with clubs who are providing youth opportunities: "It has been very pleasing to see and hear the great work being done by clubs and volunteers in the region and we will be doing all we can to help promote and support playing opportunities".

Direct Club Support

With the 2022 season about to throw up Les has also been offering support to clubs. There have been changes at many clubs at different levels and we are striving to meet and support the needs of new and old in order for clubs to be in the best position possible for now and the future.

Katie Drain - Highland (North Regional Development Officer)

Held a Foundation Coaching Course @ Castle Leod on the 30th Jan. 14 new coaches attended from Inverness, GlenUrquhart, Caberfeidh and the Shinty Ambassador Programme. Coaches will be working with existing club volunteers to assist and deliver sessions.


Assisted Inverness Royal Academy with a funding application where they received a significant sum of money. This will go towards purchasing equipment for the school so they can provide some extra curricular and curricular opportunities for pupils through both PE staff and their Shinty Ambassadors.

Volunteer Training

Arranged, organised and solidified the ‘Events’ section of the website, enduring courses which volunteers have asked for are provided and worked with staff and external agencies to ensure they can be delivered in a timely fashion and free of charge for those who want to attend.

Key Dates 2022

11th June: MacTavish Cup Final

Bught Park, Inverness

25th June:

Glasgow Celtic Society Cup Final

Venue TBC

16th July:

Single Team Competition Cup Final  

Venue TBC

23rd July:

Ferguson Transport & Shipping Balliemore Cup Final

An Aird, Fort William

6th & 13th August:

Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Semi Finals 

Venues TBC

3rd September:

Caol Cup [North v South U21] 

Venue TBC

20th August:

Artemis Macaulay Cup Final

Mossfield Park, Oban

3rd September:

WCA Camanachd & Challenge Cup Finals

Venue TBC

27th August:

Strathdearn Cup Final

Venue TBC

 10th September:

Highland Industrial Supplies Sutherland Cup Final 

Blairbeg, Drumnadrochit

27th August:

Bullough Cup Final

Venue TBC

17th September:

Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Final

The Dell, Kingussie

Youth Competitions

The Ferguson Transport National 1st Shinty P5 & P7 Finals Day - are scheduled for Saturday 26th February 2022 in Fort William.

The National Player Development Camp - will take place at Strathallan School, Perth-Shire commencing Sunday 17th July to Thursday 21st July 2022.

Please see and complete the youth competition forms.

Schools Competition Entry Form

Youth Competition Entry Form 2022

Roddy Young - Growth Central RDO

Plans to increase participation across the central belt are beginning to take shape. This is due to the collaborative approach between the Association and clubs in order to bring shinty to the forefront. It is more important than ever to work together in order to increase and sustain participation across the board, and at the same time continue to maintain Shinty traditions of playing for your local team.

Training Sessions

Roddy has attended sessions with Dunoon Juniors and East Lothian so far this month. Following on from that he will be attending several more sessions across the central belt in the coming weeks including Stirling and Tayforth.

1st shinty tournament

Roddy was delighted to attend the National First Shinty 6s at Beath High School this month. The standard of shinty was brilliant and the sportsmanship was on show from the first game till the last. It was brilliant to see everyone back to shinty after such a long break and was refreshing to see how positive every player/coach was on the day.  Strathkelvin walked away double winners at both age group and both finals were exciting affairs.

Ronald Ross - Regional Development Manager

Perth Shinty.

There are plans afoot to develop a Perthshire Junior Shinty Club through the legacy of the Royal National Mod visit in October 2022. A working group of key partners has been formed to include,  Live Active Leisure, Active Schools manager, Young Persons Programming Officer & the Gaelic Development Officer to look at forming an action plan for school delivery, Live Active Leisure programmed activity & club development in the build-up to the festival in October.

A 3 day Foundation Coaching Course commenced on Tuesday the 25th February 2022 for a group of 11 S5/6 school pupils who attend the Perth College UHI  ‘Passport 2 Sport’ course twice a week. Once trained the students will be deployed initially into Goodlyburn Primary & the Gaelic Medium unit.

Additional Opportunities at Lochaber High School

Following a productive meeting with Lochaber High School to discuss participation opportunities for pupils with additional support needs and it was agreed to run a 6 week block of shinty sessions commencing on Friday 4th February. The end goal is that Lochaber High School will send a team to the Camanachd Associations annual National Disability Festival.

Schools of Shinty

Kingussie High School became the first school of shinty in October 2018 and to date we have  9 Secondary Schools signed up to the programme -Kingussie, Lochaber, Ardnamurchan, Oban, Uddingston, Charleston, Kilchuimen, Plockton and Grantown. The School of Shinty initiative is all about connecting more young people with more shinty throughout the academic year by ensuring continued growth of shinty within secondary schools to meet the development aims of both the school and the local clubs. The evolution of the programme has seen the development of an accreditation scheme that consists of a Bronze, Silver and Gold entry level depending on the capacity of the school. The Regional Development Officers will continue to work with secondary schools and clubs to increase the number of Schools of Shinty across the country.

Membership & Helmet Waivers

Registration for season 2022 is now live! You can find documents, support and tutorial videos at

Helmet waiver forms

Please ensure participants are registered for 2022 prior to any training or friendly matches commencing.

Looking for membership support?

If you are still looking for support after consulting the tutorial videos please do not hesitate to contact

Draft Fixtures

The MOWI League tables are now under construction…


Camanachd at a glance (Jan 2022)


Current members


Adult Female


Adult Male


Youth Female


Youth Male

Important information...

Platinum sponsors

Partner sponsors