Katie Drain - Highland (North Regional Development Officer)

In the last month 9 coaches from Kinlochshiel and South Skye JSC have gone through their foundation coaching course which was held over 2 nights in Dornie Hall, these coaches are now going to be taking an active coaching role within their clubs.

Teacher Training

Continuing work with Inverness Royal Academy, on their Inservice day in February I delivered a Shinty CPD session to all 8 of their PE staff, this was a really positive day with the teachers all now equipped to start delivering shinty in Core PE sessions when their new equipment arrives.

Coaches Meeting

Facilitated a coaches meeting for Lovat Shinty Club who gathered all 10 of their youth coaches together for an evening to discuss player pools, school shinty and coaching pathways. A really productive and informative meeting which if any other clubs are keen to replicate I would be happy to lead on.

Les Kinvig - Argyll and Bute

With the indoor season coming to an end in the culmination of the National Indoor Finals Les will now be shifting focus and working with clubs and schools to rebuild the regions much-missed summer festivals for primary aged children.

Due to it being at a rebuilding stage there are plans underway to have a circuit of events around the region over the summer months thus allowing clubs and schools the benefit of home events. It is hoped that by moving to this format better working relationships can be built between clubs and school in order to benefit all involved.

Young Ambassadors

This month also saw the young shinty ambassadors furthering their development with Lochgilphead's Innes Cameron completing his foundation refereeing course which he put to good use along with Joe Macvicar at the recent indoor festival that was held in Atlantis Leisure both Ambassadors were ably assisted by Oban High SOS pupil Iain Duffy throughout the day. Its another highlight of the job seeing such enthusiasm from young players willing to give back to the sport.

ASN Shinty

Les is still busy promoting and supporting schools with his most recent being re-introducing shinty to Oban High schools Support department with high hopes of them being able to produce a team to go forward to the National Disability Festival. It is most rewarding to see the joy these children get from participating in shinty and I will be seeking additional assistance from local clubs to provide further opportunities.

Key Dates 2022

11th June: MacTavish Cup Final

Bught Park, Inverness

25th June:

Glasgow Celtic Society Cup Final

Venue TBC

16th July:

Single Team Competition Cup Final  

Venue TBC

23rd July:

Ferguson Transport & Shipping Balliemore Cup Final

An Aird, Fort William

6th & 13th August:

Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Semi Finals 

Venues TBC

3rd September:

Caol Cup [North v South U21] 

Venue TBC

20th August:

Artemis Macaulay Cup Final

Mossfield Park, Oban

3rd September:

WCA Camanachd & Challenge Cup Finals

Venue TBC

27th August:

Strathdearn Cup Final

Venue TBC

10th September:

Highland Industrial Supplies Sutherland Cup Final 

Blairbeg, Drumnadrochit

27th August:

Bullough Cup Final

Venue TBC

17th September:

Tulloch Homes Camanachd Cup Final

The Dell, Kingussie

The Half-Swing Podcast is BACK...

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Congratulations to Andrew Grant McKenzie who will referee his first senior game on the opening weekend of the season after refereeing the WJ Cameron U17 Development Cup Final. 

Our sport is in a critical stage in terms of the number of officials available. If you could give back to the sport by sparing the ocassional Saturday please get in contact with

Roddy Young - Growth Central RDO

The continual increase of participation across the central belt has been evident this month. This is due to the continued collaborative approach between The Association and the Central Belt Clubs. Players are also maintaining the Shinty traditions of playing for their local club which is vital as Shinty looks to progress.

WJ Cameron U17 Development Final

Roddy recently attended and helped host the WJ Cameron U17 Development Final. He was delighted with the standard of shinty being shown on a sunny day in Inverness. It was a great advert for shinty and both teams were a credit to themselves. Hopefully the first of many successful Finals in 2022.

Shinty sessions

Roddy has continued to attend several sessions throughout the month. This included a trip to Stirling where he was able to meet up with the coaches and parents for the first time. During February Roddy also hosted a CPD Session at Bishopbriggs Academy alongside Ronald Ross as many teachers are beginning to get involved. This was a massive step forward towards Bishopbriggs Academy becoming a new School Of Shinty within the central belt.

Ronald Ross - National Development Manager

New Playing Field for Aberdeen University

Aberdeen University will be playing all their home matches in 2022 at Woodside Sport Complex in Aberdeen. Secretary Scott Moffat said: “We are delighted to have secured an excellent new venue for the club and look forward to welcoming teams this year.”

Perth Shinty

A Foundation Coaching Course took place at Perth College on Tuesday the 25th February 2022 for a group of 11 S5/6 school pupils who attend the Perth College UHI  ‘Passport 2 Sport’ course twice a week. Now qualified the students will be deployed initially into Goodlyburn Primary & the Gaelic Medium unit.

Badenoch Ladies achieve Bronze ClubMark Award

The photograph to the right shows Camanachd Association Regional Development Manager Development Manager, Ronald Ross, presenting the Bronze Level Club Accreditation certificate to Badenoch Ladies shinty coach, Scott Campbell. The club are now working toward achieving the Silver Level criteria.

Membership & Helmet Waivers

All players and coaches who are training and/or playing must be registered. You can find documents, support and tutorial videos at

Helmets waiver forms are needed for anyone 18+ who does not intend to wear a compliant helmet and need to be renewed at time of registration on an annual basis.

Looking for membership support?

If you are still looking for support after consulting the tutorial videos please do not hesitate to contact

2022 Fixtures

The 2022 Fixtures are available by clicking here. js the place to go to find all the league tables and results as they happen.

Recent news...

Cromag Ceann-Feadhna Camanachd a’ Mhòid ga toirt dhan “Shinty Referee” Thèid an t-urram Ceann Feadhna Camanachd a’ Mhòid a bhuileachadh air Eanruig MacAonghais, a bhuineas do Phort nan Long san Eilean Sgitheanach, ach tha an diugh a’ fuireach ann an Steòrnabhagh, aig a’ Mhòd Rìoghail Nàiseanta san Òban Disathairne seo tighinn. Thòisich Eanruig le fìdeag an reiteire nuair a bha e ag obair air tìr-mòr agus a sguir e a chluich còmhla ri balaich Inbhir Nis. Lean e air an uairsin am meadhan na pàirce na reitire aig grunn de chuairtean deireannach Chomann na Camanachd, leithid Cupa MhicTàbhais Cupa an t-Sutharlamaich agus cupa Bhanca na h-Alba air latha mor na camanachd. Bha e cuideachd na bhritheamh-tadhail aig a’ chuairt dheireannaich fhèin co-dhiù dà thuras. Tha e cuideachd air a bhith na reitire aig geamaichean camanachd a’ Mhòid ann an leithid Phortrigh, Steòrnabhagh, Mòdan Chataibh agus Gallaibh, agus ann am Peairt. Leig Eanruig dheth a dhreuchd mar reiteire tri bliadhna air ais le gèam eadar Camanachd Leòdhais agus Srathghlais, 45 bliadhna an deidh a’ chiad ghèam a rinn e eadar Lochcaran agus Srathghlais. Ged a tha Eanruig ainmeil na reiteire agus aininichte air feadh choimhearsnachd na camanachd (agus air rèidio agus Tbh), thàinig e gu aire an -t-saoghail nuair a chlàraich Fergie Dòmhnallach nach maireann an ceòl agus an uairsin òran “The Shinty Referee”. Bha sin aig àireamh a h-aon air clàr i-Tunes ceòl an t-saoghail agus air a chluich air feadh an t-saoghail. Chaidh am pòrt a dhèanamh an toiseach aig Fèis Cheilteach ann an Trá Lí, agus thàinig an t-òran bho làimh Fhergie an dèidh sin. Chaidh a’ chiad chromag son urram a Chinn Feadhna a thoirt do dh’Ùisdean MacIllInnein aig Mòd Phàislig an uiridh agus bidh esan an làthair aig Pàirc Mhossfield anns an Òban aig geamaichean camanachd na bliadhna seo aig a’ Mhòd, Disathairne seo tighinn son a toirt do dh’Eanruig. Thuirt Ùisdean : “Bha e na urram dha-rìreabh dhomh fhèin nuair fhuair mi a’ chromag an-uiridh air a’ bhliadhna a bha mi a’ sgur a dh’obair mar chraoladair. Tha mi air leth toilichte gum bidh cromag a nis aig Eanruig, ged nach eil feum aige air buileach fhathast. Tha e gu math iomchaidh gur esan a tha tighinn as mo dhèidh agus e cho dealasach a’ frithealadh nam Mòd agus geamaichean camanachd fad is farsainn.” Chaidh a’ chromag a dhèanamh le Roddie MacIllInnein ann an Inbhirnis a tha nis ainmeil airson a bhith a’ cruthachadh chamain agus duaisean fiodha. Cha a mhaoineachadh leis a’ bhuidhinn Camanachd na Cuimhna (Shinty Memories Scotland). Mòd Shinty Chieftain’s “Cromag” goes to “The Shinty Referee” The honour of National Mòd Shinty Chieftain will be bestowed upon Henry MacInnes, who belongs to Portnalong, Skye but now lives in Stornoway, at the Royal National Mòd in Oban this coming Saturday. Henry first blew his referee’s whistle when working on the mainland when he rrtired from playing iwth Inverness. He would go on to officiate at several major finals, including the MacTavish Cup, the Sutherland Cup and the Bank of Scotland Cup on Camanachd Cup Final day, as well as being a goal judge at the final itself on occasion. He has also been a referee for several Mòd Cup Finals in Portree, Stornoway, Shawbost, Uist, Caithness, Sutherland and finally in Perth. The Mòd Cup Final in Perth was his final performance, one last game after retiring two years ago with a game between Camanachd Leòdhais and Strathglass almost 45 years to the day since his first game between Lochcarron and Strathglass. Although Henry is famous as a referee and well known amongst the shinty community (and on TV and radio) he came to the attention of the world when the late Fergie Macdonald recorded the tune, and then the song, “The Shinty Referee”. It reached number one on iTunes World Music Chart and was played throughout the world. The tune was first wirtten at the Pan-celtic Festival in Tralee, and then Fergie wrote the song years later. The role of Mòd Shinty Chieftain and the ceremonial cromag or crook was first rangte to Hugh Dan MacLennan at the Paisley Mòd last year, and he will be in attendance at Mossfield Stadium in Oban this Saturday to present this year’s cromag to Henry. Hugh Dan said : “It was truly a great personal honour to receive the cromag last year when I was retiring from broadcasting. I am delighted to present this croamg to Henry, even though he doesn’t need it quite yet. It is very fitting person to succeed me as he has been so passionate in attending the Mòd and shinty matches across the country.” The cromag has been crafted by Roddie MacLennan of Inverness, a renowned artisan who specialises in ceremonial camans and wooden prizes. It has been funded by Shinty Memories Scotland

Camanachd at a glance (Feb 2022)


Current members


Adult Female


Adult Male


Youth Female


Youth Male

Platinum sponsors

Partner sponsors